Work at Home Mom makes $XXXXX per month Part time? Bullshit!

Work At Home Mom Makes $6,397or $3087 or $5,997 per Month Part-Time.

So, this is my first post, and it IS gonna be interesting, hell yeah! Why? Because this is the biggest online scam of all time, fueled by the recession and people's dreams of becoming rich, earning millions from home and what not.

Just read this great report published by some great wellwisher: (You may have probably read this before, these things are all over the web, man!)

(For a more legit means of earning money online, you can try Neobux. Will update with tips on how to make the most of this and make a minimum of $50 a month)

Here's the catch:
Millions of websites are offering jobs that promise easy income by running websites with Google ads. The text that appears in the excerpt above is the same that runs on all these websites, except that the city name and sometimes the name of the "Rich mom" are altered. Magically, the name of the city you live in appears in the headline of these ads! Check out the highlighted text in the ad above. The name of the city reads Hyderabad, because I am from  Hyderabad! You would probably see your own city in the headline. 

The Truth
These scamsters use the IP address of the viewer to change details of the report. If you are from the US, then the rich mom would most probably be Kelly Richards from Los Angeles or Massachusetts or whichever city You stay in. The mom's name keeps changing but the photo hardly changes! 

                        Hope it's clear!

It's my appeal to all those scammers out there to stop using Google's name to go around fooling people. 

Also view: How to earn $40-50 a day on, without any investment

Sign up at Neobux to start making money online (no scam, 2-3 minute legit work a day)



  1. Best and easy way to earn money online through adsense,no need of any extra knowledge adsense training in hyderabad Most of those “work from home” opportunities that you see on TV, in the newspaper, or online are scams or pay


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